Holiday time and congestion on popular holiday routes are just some of the driving risks that can reduce road safety. Changing weather conditions, poor health and inadequate vehicle maintenance are also potential hazards. Avis, the full-service car rental and leasing provider, has put together five tips for safe summer trips.
Cyclists, motorcyclists and children on the road - be alert
Cyclists, motorcyclists and electric scooter riders start to be more involved in traffic in summer - be cautious and courteous on the road. Also, as summer is school holidays, children are spending more time outdoors - both as pedestrians and as users of bicycles, skateboards and rollerblades. Drivers need to be alert as children may cross the road in unauthorised places and play near the road.
Adhesion - to be or not to be?
Check tyre pressure before you set off for better grip as this is an important element of road safety. Hot asphalt combined with under-inflated and worn tyres can risk burst tyres.
If possible, keep a spare tyre in the boot of your car. Also remember that the sun and heat can soften the asphalt, making it less steerable and increasing braking distances.
Heavy rain can cause deep puddles and aquaplaning, which can endanger both driver and vehicle safety. Stay alert and remember to adapt your driving style to the road surface and weather conditions.
Check that fluid tanks are topped up
Especially on hot summer days, the engine of a car is more at risk of overheating, so make sure the coolant is filled sufficiently.
Make sure you top up your windscreen fluid before longer journeys - changing road surfaces, rain and insects can reduce clear visibility. Don't forget to check the oil, power steering and brake fluid levels.
"When driving a private vehicle, it is the car owner's responsibility to maintain the vehicle properly. When choosing a rental car, the service provider thoroughly checks each vehicle and its safety before it leaves the fleet. Timely maintenance reduces the risk of accidents.
If you are not sure whether your car is roadworthy, please do not put yourself or others at risk and do not drive it in traffic. To avoid spoiling your summer plans, you can always rent a vehicle while your private car is being serviced and properly prepared for your next trips," says Daina Kantāne, Head of Leasing at Avis.
Feeling better - safer journey
Make sure you have a water bottle in the car to avoid dehydration, especially on long journeys.
Don't forget your sunglasses - they will block out the sun's bright rays, reduce glare and prevent eye fatigue. Longer daylight hours also encourage longer trips, so it is advisable to take regular breaks to monitor your well-being.
Another important condition for a safe but also pleasant journey is air conditioning. If it is faulty or not topped up, prolonged driving in hot weather can cause dizziness, headaches, drowsiness and loss of concentration.
However, the most important golden rule is not to get behind the wheel if you feel unsure whether it's OK to be behind the wheel the next day or if you are still feeling unwell after a fun-filled day of holidays, events and festivals.
Keep an eye on the weather as well as the navigation
When planning your onward journey, bear in mind that traffic will slow down in heavy rain, while in warm and sunny weather the most frequent traffic jams may occur on the way to your favourite holiday spots. This is also the case this summer: on the warmer summer days, traffic jams that can extend journey times by up to half an hour can be seen on the Baltic Sea coast, both towards Jurmala and on the Tallinn motorway.
Try to avoid traffic jams as much as possible, because not only do accidents cause traffic jams, but often traffic jams also cause various accidents. If you want to relax in nature, choose less popular beaches and recreation areas near rivers and lakes. And it's much more pleasant when there are fewer people around.
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