August 8 is the international Cats Day

Photo - Pixabay. Cat

8 August is International Cat Day. It was first celebrated in 2002, when several animal protection societies around the world took a stand for the day.

The advocates have gathered information that there are more than 600 million cats in the world. In ancient Egypt, cats were sacred animals and were even worshipped.

The cat is a very popular pet because it helps fight off pests such as mice, snakes and even scorpions. Domestic cat males are called runches and females are called kittens.

Cats are known to hunt more than 1 000 different species of other animals. They can be taught to follow a variety of simple commands. Cats can learn to manipulate simple mechanisms, such as opening doors using door handles.

According to genetic studies, all domestic cats are domesticated from the subspecies African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica). Although all types of wild cats can interbreed, there is no evidence that the phylogeny of the domestic cat is related to any other subspecies of wild cat.

In Latvia, too, there is a cat in almost every country house and among the pets of city dwellers.
