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The Latvian town of Kuldīga has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List - this was decided by the Member States of the World Heritage Committee at its 45th session, which will take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 10 to 25 September, recognising and appreciating the unique value of the Old Town of Kuldīga on a global scale.
The road to UNESCO has been a very extensive process for Kuldīga over more than 20 years, which has resulted in high added value - the creation of a heritage management system, the scientific study and management of cultural heritage sites, public education on heritage protection, and the regularisation of building regulations.
During this period, the Kuldīga Restoration Centre was created and a support programme to protect historic buildings was set up - all of which has created the conditions for the Old Town of Kuldīga to be inscribed on the World Heritage List.
The President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs, congratulated the people of Kuldīga on this important event. "I congratulate the people of Kuldīga on this success! Every time I visit Kuldīga, I am convinced that the city lives its own dynamic life, the region continues to develop thanks to the entrepreneurship of its inhabitants. The UNESCO Seal of Excellence promotes global visibility and therefore tourism potential. While the charm of Kuldīga has always attracted visitors from near and far, I wish this interest to grow and bring tangible benefits to the local economy. I encourage you to be aware of and seize the opportunities that this international recognition offers!"
"At a time when we are living through a global pandemic, witnessing more and more brutal, devastating wars and crises caused by climate change, cultural heritage is more important than ever, because it is cultural heritage that embodies the promise of understanding, unity and a better future. Latvia's success in inscribing the name of Kuldīga on the UNESCO World Heritage List would not have been possible without the selfless work of the people of Kuldīga for more than 20 years, which is a testament to the love, self-confidence and dedication of the people to preserve and care for the central treasure of Kurzeme for the benefit of future generations," says Agnese Logina, Minister of Culture.
Inese Astaševska, Chair of the Kuldīga District Council, is also proud of Kuldīga's new status: "Historical heritage takes on great significance when it is recognised, proud of and preserved as a special asset by local people - this has been the approach that Kuldīga has been following since 1997 towards UNESCO's World Heritage List. It is the work done together with the people over the years to preserve and develop the city that makes Kuldīga's story special. UNESCO is a quality mark that shows that Kuldīga is an important cultural heritage site on the world map. We have done a lot, so it is a great satisfaction that the Old Town of Kuldīga is now as important on a global scale as the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, the Acropolis of Athens and other well-known sites of universal value."
Baiba Moļņika, Secretary General of the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO, welcomes the interaction between the community and the architectural heritage: "Kuldīga is an example of how the architectural heritage interacts with the local community, which takes care of the preservation of this heritage, at the same time creating new and lasting values. Kuldīga is an environment that inspires. It is therefore a pleasure that Kuldīga, which has so far been one of the UNESCO National Treasures of Latvia, will now be known internationally in other parts of the world."
"Kuldīga is one of the most beautiful small towns in the Baltic Sea region, its ancient history and the quality of its later layers are of world-class value. Thanks to the efforts of several generations of culture, local government and society, these values have been preserved and form a quality living space with a special atmosphere. The award of UNESCO World Heritage status is first a manifestation of value, followed by a responsibility for conservation." Recalling the need to continue the work of generations in preserving values, Dr. Arch. Juris Dambis, Head of the National Heritage Board.
1997 Latvia ratifies the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the idea of nominating Kuldīga to the UNESCO World Heritage List was born.
2001 Kuldīga Municipality submits a report to the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO on its wish to start work on the preparation of the nomination of Kuldīga together with the National Heritage Board.
2004 The nomination of Kuldīga to the Latvian National List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites is submitted and approved.
2011 The Assembly of the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO reconfirms the nomination of Kuldīga to the Latvian National List of UNESCO World Heritage and sets a condition to submit it to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
2018 On the recommendation of the Assembly of the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO, Kuldīga Municipality engages an international group of experts to prepare the application. Recommendation - to complete the justification of the universal value of Kuldīga in the context of the period of the Duchy of Courland-Nordic Duchy.
The updated application of Kuldīga to the Latvian National List of the UNESCO World Heritage with the updated name and the justification and description of the universal value of special significance has been submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and accepted.
2021 The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia nominates Kuldīga to the UNESCO World Heritage List by submitting the nomination application to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
2023 A positive decision of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) experts on the inclusion of Kuldīga in the World Heritage List is received as a recommendation for the UNESCO World Heritage Committee Member States to vote. It is recommended to extend the scope of the areas and historical periods to be included in the nomination and to change the name to "Old Town of Kuldīga".
In September 2023, the 45th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, will decide on the inscription of the Old Town of Kuldīga on the UNESCO World Heritage List
Kuldīga is the only city in the world that fully reflects the traditional architecture of the Baltic States, fusing Latvian and German traditions. The particularly well-preserved 13th-18th century urban structure, harmonious urban environment and picturesque landscape of the river valley are a clear testimony to the traditional settlements of the region.
Kuldīga provides unique information about the towns, industries, crafts, traditions and people of the Duchy.
About the UNESCO World Heritage Site
The UNESCO World Heritage Committee meets in annual sessions to discuss the management of existing World Heritage Sites and to evaluate new nominations for the World Heritage List submitted by States. The 45th World Heritage Session was scheduled to take place in Russia in 2022, but the war in Ukraine and protests from Member States led to it being postponed and held this year in Saudi Arabia. Together with Kuldīga Old Town, the Committee considered 50 other nominations submitted by countries this year.
The preservation and protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage is one of UNESCO's most visible activities, dating back more than 50 years. The World Heritage List was created to enable the preservation and protection of natural and cultural sites of importance to humanity from unwise human actions and extreme circumstances, including natural disasters and conflicts. To date, UNESCO has inscribed more than 1 100 cultural and natural sites around the world on the list.
Nominations for the World Heritage List are made by national governments, recommending the most unique and outstanding cultural and natural heritage properties. Before being inscribed on the List, sites are evaluated by experts from around the world, with detailed attention paid to authenticity and research into the evidence of historical time. It is a mark of excellence, certifying that a World Heritage Site is an important cultural and natural heritage site whose conservation is in the interest of all humanity.
In 1997, the Historic Centre of Riga was inscribed on the World Heritage List, valuing its medieval and later urban fabric, wooden architecture and outstanding examples of Art Nouveau. In 2005, the outstanding geodetic survey system "Strūve Geodetic Arc" was added to the list, with two points in Jēkabpils and Sestukalns.
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